Thursday, July 8, 2010

Contradiction Of MAULANA ABDUL AZIZ (Kateeb Of LAL MASJID)

خطیب لال مسجد مولانا عبدل عزیز اپنے حالیہ انٹرویو میں مسجد کے اندر ہلاکتوں کے حوالوں سے لاشوں کو مسخ کرنے کے دعوہ کو دوسری جگہ مسجد میں بیرونی شرپسند عناصر کی موجودگی کے حوالے سے مسترد کرتے نظر آئے........ ساتھ ہی وارثوں کا لاشوں کی شناخت کے حوالے سے انکا نیا بیان "زیادہ تر لاوارثوں کی ہلاکتوں" کا دعوہ بھی کمزور ہوگیا

Contradiction>>>>>>>Maulana Abdul Aziz said list was distroyed and bodies were burned through phosphorous bomb so that identification couldn't be done and later when question was raised about presense of foreigners then he said where were bodies of those foreigners, if any.... and then he said they all were identified by their loveones as locals!!!!!!


  1. These two Molvies Abdul Aziz & Abdul Rasheed had turned This Lal Masjid into a hiding place and Training centre for Talebans. These two fools had planed to capture Islamabad first and impose their so-called Shariat with the help of these boys and girls and inside hidden Talebans who were already trained for terrorism. In Lal Masjid incident 11 military personnel which include Army Officers and 4 Policemen were Shaheed. About 93 terrorists were sent to Hell. The Lady who interviewed should ask Molvi where these 93 & ammunition came from, These are Shetans they are liers.

    1. in ma whol carrier i havnt seen such an ass hole like rafeeq..

    2. people like u . just knw how to accuse other !!!!
      da explosive materials which media have shown ... if that was real then y dont they dare to use that shit!!!

  2. There is an open challenge from Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif that if any person, including this Maulvi, Media, TV Anchors, Column writers or anybody from general public can prove that even one single girl was shot or burnt with Phosphorus in Lal Masjid. If it proves true then Sir PM and Barrister Sahib both are agreed that they should be hanged He has also requested the Chief Justice of Pakistan to constitute an Inquiry Commission to investigate in this matter and solve it once for all, so that this propaganda should stop.

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